Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Green screening.

Animal Reports

Some of us were lucky enough to have a go at “green screening” our native bird or dog information reports!


Information report writing.

The Nga Motu Wombat writers have been learning how to write information reports. We started by choosing a New Zealand native bird. We made a list of questions and researched the answers using the Ipads. When we had all our information we wrote our reports using Google docs on the Ipads and Chromebooks.
Last week as part of our Living World Science Inquiry, we were lucky enough to have some representatives from Bay Bush Action come to visit Nga Motu. They taught us about the Kiwi and other Native birds and their predators. They also left us a Kiwi nesting box to decorate - it will go into the Opua Forest for Kiwi to lay their eggs in.